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  1. Stoner

    Open Do more events

    Let's all be honest SMP playercount isn't as high as it used to be so having build comps, and other events would really help the server
  2. Stoner

    Open Bring Back Countr

    I think countr should be brough back. I think it helps activity. i think it'd be cool to try and just see how it goes.
  3. Stoner

    Open Move the ticket system to discord

    Move the forums tickets over to discord, Discord is checked more reguarly than the forums and more people are in the discord, and some might not have forums account it would be easier imo
  4. Stoner

    Closed More SuggestionS Who Da Funk It

    I am going to go through my points explaining the positives and negatives (if any) And discussing how i think it would help And talking about some suggestions i have seen. Shop: We all know their have been some issues with shops, i think Crops Should be worth a little bit more, I have quite a...